I’m available for consultations!

Do you have questions about the Arts Administration field? Do you need someone to look at your resume or cover letter? Do you need help talking about your transferable skills? Maybe you’re wondering what skills are needed in the Arts Admin field!

I’m offering FREE 30-minute consultations.

  • Resumes & Cover Letters

    Tailoring a resume and cover letter to an administrative job after years of performing/teaching experience can be challenging. I’ve done this several times and although I still need help myself sometimes, I would gladly take a look at your materials and offer suggestions based on my experience.

  • Finding Transferable Skills

    Transferable skills are really the bread and butter when you’re first applying to admin jobs. We all have them. Just because you were a performer for years, doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed in an office environment. Let’s get on a Zoom call to talk about your experiences and I’ll help you come up with some transferable skills to mention in your resume.

  • Exploring Your Options

    There are numerous positions I didn’t even know existed until I was in the workforce. Organizations all over the country are looking for people to fill operations, development, marketing, artistic, education, community engagement, and digital positions. In your consultation, we can talk about your strengths to explore for which department or sector you might be best suited.